Wednesday, April 15, 2020

UPDATED: Ohio eases COVID-19 work rules for Natural Areas and Preserves staff

Loosening its work-related ratchet straps, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is allowing Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves (often just pronounced “D-NAP”) staff to again swing axes, operate chain saws and dig with shovels.

This coronavirus (COVID-19) associated modification is being done because many Natural Areas and Preserves Division personnel often work individually, soloing at various tasks from controlling invasive species to marking off property boundaries to clearing trails of felled trees.

Much of this work is also required during a critically important early spring window. This period is when accessing an entire property is easier, and performing various chores makes more sense.

Currently, the Division of Natural Ares and Preserves has 137 dedicated sites around state. Of this number, 95 are directly managed by the Natural Areas and Preserves Division, said Sarah Wickham, the Natural Resources Department’s Chief of Communications.

Wickham said the Natural Areas and Preserves Division employs 28 people. Among them are regional managers, preserve managers, part time-permanent, and seasonal staff.

Later, Wickham added “There are other DNAP employees, not involved in that work day-to-day that I left out of that count."

Our staff is constantly evaluating and re-evaluating (protocols) to ensure that we are keeping our employees safe and our properties maintained. In mid-March, when employees were first teleworking, there wasn’t a need for as many employees to be out in the field,” Wickham said.

Since that time, we have seen increased visitation at our preserves to view spring wildflowers, repair damage from strong spring storms, and control growth of invasive species.”

Wickham says that importantly the Natural Resources Department has developed guidance for its “DNAP” team so that members “can safely operate in the field in accordance with the Ohio Department of Health’s guidance.”

Also, Wickham said mandatory guidance rules stipulate that staff members “are to work individually at all times, including while at storage and maintenance buildings, while driving to and from work locations, and while on site performing ecological management activities.”

Likewise, says Wickham, face masks are to be worn at any time a staffer is likely to encounter other individuals, such as when in parking areas, on trails, or at filling stations.

Staff members are also instructed to sanitize equipment, vehicles, and building areas, Wickham says.

By following these guidelines, it is possible to effectively manage our highest priority areas while also protecting our staff and the public,” Wickham says.

- Jeffrey L. Frischkorn

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